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Contains all non-printed parts of the OpenFlexure Microscope v7 condenser. No soldering needed when used with the Sangaboard v5. Plug into the CC pins on the Sangaboard.
llumination cable - 30cm cable to to connect the board to the Sangaboard. Check the polarity when connecting.
Diffuser (0.5mm white polypropylene, laser cut to shape)
Condenser lens (5mm focal length plastic lens)
LED Board - The LED was chosen for its very flat spectrum (BXEN-50S-11M-3C).
N.B. The LED board is designed to be used with the constant current driver on the Sangaboard v0.5. If you wish to use it without it, you need to limit the current, e.g. using a series resistor. Use the CC pins on the Sangaboard, do not connect directly to 5V as the OFM instructions say,